Governor Kate Brown Announces First in a Series of Cost Savings Across State Government


Date: April 20, 2017
Location: Salem, OR

Governor Kate Brown announced today that she is signing an Executive Order implementing a statewide hiring freeze. This is the first in a series of executive actions being taken by Governor Brown over the next several weeks in response to the current fiscal shortfall and to improve overall government efficiency and operations.

Governor Brown released the following statement:

"Oregon's children and families deserve the chance to lead healthy and productive lives. But the cuts to the state budget recently proposed by the Legislature put the most vulnerable Oregonians even more at risk than they are now. This is unacceptable.

"I'm calling for an all-hands-on-deck approach to protect Oregonians from these cuts and address the budget deficit. That's why I'm taking immediate actions to cut costs and find savings. Today I signed an Executive Order to put a hiring freeze across state agencies until their budgets are approved by the Legislature. This order also reduces state travel expenses and optimizes the use of state office space.

"In the coming days I will be making additional announcements on a series of actions to improve overall government finances and operations, including: improvements to collection of debts owed to the state; renegotiation of state vendor price agreements; providing clarity on executive branch policies regarding bargaining with state employee unions; and addressing the unfunded actuarial liability of the Public Employees Retirement System.

"The entire state must take responsibility and join in this effort. I have challenged state agencies to look for both short-term savings and ways to address long-term cost drivers throughout state government. I also encourage the Secretary of State, the State Treasurer, the Attorney General, and the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries, as well as the Legislative Assembly and the Judicial Department, to adopt policies that freeze hiring, reduce travel expenditures, and optimize facility usage.

"In addition, my office is working with the Department of Administrative Services to closely evaluate state agency operations. But, it will clearly not be enough just to tighten our belts. My office will continue to work tirelessly for an efficient, effective, and sustainable state government."
